If you are buying a home and decide not to get a home inspection, you may want to spend a little extra time inside the home yourself checking certain parts of the house. While there are a lot of different components you may want to examine, checking out the plumbing system is one of the most important. Not only are plumbing problems expensive to fix, but they can also lead to water damage in a home, and this is a problem that can be hard to fix. As you examine the plumbing in a home you want to buy, you may want to do the following things to make sure it is working well.

Check The Water Pressure In All Fixtures

The first thing you should do is turn on every faucet in the house individually. As you do this, watch the way the water flows and notice the pressure of the water flow. Is the pressure good? Does the water pressure change after running the water for a little while? Is there a difference in pressure with hot and cold water? These are all things you should look for with a home's plumbing system.

Low water pressure can be a result of old, clogged pipes, or it could be due to a bad water pump. If the water pressure changes after running the water for a while, this could also be a sign of water pump issues.

Watch The Way Drains Work

A second thing to do is watch how the water drains with each fixture. If there are any slow-moving drains, there might be a clog somewhere in the system. Some clogs are minor issues that can be fixed relatively easily, but others can be expensive repairs to make. For example, if the clog is located in the main sewer line, you could spend a lot of money locating it and fixing it.

When you check the drains, be sure to check the toilets too. Watch how fast they flush and refill because slow-filling or flushing toilets could also be a sign of problems with the plumbing system.

Look For Signs Of Leaks Or Water Damage

Finally, you should search the entire house to look for signs of water leaks. Water leaks do not always come from plumbing systems, but they do in most situations. As you search the house, look behind and next to the toilets to see if there are any drips or water marks. Look at the walls and ceilings in the house to spot sagging areas or water spots. You should also use your nose to try and detect mildew odors. If a house has water leaks in it, it will most likely also have mold and mildew lurking in various places.

With these tips, you should be able to find any plumbing issues a house may have, and this could help you save money on unexpected plumbing repairs if you buy this house. For more home-buying tips, contact a real estate agent today. 

To find homes for sale, contact a company such as Re/Max River & Sea
