What is your current office situation? Are you a home office worker, or are you renting an office space that may as well be an abandoned warehouse? Many businesses have humble beginnings, but an upgrade to a more success-oriented setting can bring both profit and legitimacy--as well as a technological edge. It's best to plan significant upgrades to your business as you move to a new location so all of the infrastructure and supporting technology can be put in place before you're settled in. Here are a few tech upgrades to make before moving into a new, commercially-sound, office space.

Wireless Access Point Location

WiFi internet quality leaves a lot to be desired when it's coming from a single modem, especially if the modem is placed in a random location.

Getting the best signal for wireless internet has little to do with the power settings and more to do with placement. Every room has a different way that it handles the signal that comes from modems and their wireless antennas, from walls absorbing some of the data strength to thick concrete completely blocking the signal.

One way to make sure that your office is fully covered by a wireless signal is to invest in wireless access points (APs). Wireless APs are basically extensions of the modem's wireless antenna and features with their own programmable settings. The signal can be moved and amplified to other areas, meaning that a corner that has bad signal or a different floor with weak signal can be boosted without doing too much configuration.

It's best to begin installation of APs before moving into office space because you or your technicians will have easier access to the perfect spots for AP placement. They won't have to move furniture out of the way or worry about existing equipment causing problems with the signal.

Pre-Existing Workstation Design

Office buildings are designed to accommodate a traditional workplace staff, and as a business looking for a better office move, it's best to start out with a standard experience.

Workstations, laptop docks, seating, and meeting areas should be the basic layout considerations that allow a basic layer of comfort for employees. Although there are many innovative layout opportunities that could appeal to certain employees more, it's better to make comfort a priority while offering employees a chance to provide feedback and ideas for the future.

Non-traditional office spaces may lack the required number of electrical and internet outlets to fully stock your business's computer needs. Warehouse and home offices have outlets in places for completely different purposes, while commercial buildings are built to give Information Technology (IT) system planners a proper place to unbox and build a standard experience. 

Contact a commercial office leasing professional like those at Hartman Income REIT to discuss the different amenities and technology opportunities in the office space of your near future.
